

从1947年开始经营,伯纳德·罗宾逊 & 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台多年来一直从事商业咨询和注册会计师服务. 连续被评为“最适合工作的会计师事务所” 今天会计 并被评为“北卡罗来纳州最佳雇主”之一 北卡罗来纳州 杂志, 我们相信,建立和投资一支每天都乐于工作的强大团队,是确保客户满意的最佳方式.  我们一直在寻找合适的人加入我们的团队.

作为一家全方位服务的十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台,可以扩大规模为私营企业提供服务, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, 家庭、高净值个人和不同规模和阶段的非营利组织.  我们是最大的三合会注册会计师事务所,在格林斯博罗设有办事处, 温斯顿塞勒姆, 邓恩和罗利, NC. 我们在全球80个国家拥有超过200家独立会计师事务所和400多个办事处, 国际会计的国际, 为我们提供了更多的广度和深度, 在需要的时候.  我们在过去十年平均两位数的增长主要是通过我们对客户满意度的不懈承诺而实现的. 由于这种增长,我们总是为优秀的新团队成员提供机会.  如果我们有职业机会,我们正在积极寻求他们将列出如下:

如果你在这个时候没有看到你正在寻找的职业机会, 我们是一家成长中的十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台,诚邀您将简历投递至 hr@versenykepesseg.com 如果你有兴趣加入我们的团队. 如有需要,我们会将你的简历保存几个月.  感谢您对BRC的关注.


职位类型:全职, 工作地点:夏洛特, 罗利, 温斯顿塞勒姆, NC或格林斯博罗, NC,  混合动力/远程

资格:  CPA certification required; Bachelor’s and/or advanced degree in accounting; 5-7 years of public accounting experience, affordable housing experience required; 2-3年管理/监督经验.; proficiency in use of computers, accounting software and assurance software programs; excellent communications and 人际关系技巧; excellent time management and organizational skills.

客户服务:全年与客户保持稳定的联系, which involves a thorough knowledge of the client and all facets of their business; Knowing the client’s impression of the conduct of engagement; dealing directly with the client’s attorneys or brokers; following report through processing, answering any questions that arise and supervising distribution according to the client’s instructions; recognizing opportunities to provide additional services to clients.

技术性:在合伙人审查之前对项目进行审查, answering any questions the client may have and ensuring there is a complete understanding of the nature and terms of the engagement; consistently  demonstrating the ability to identify and properly account for technical issues/areas in each engagement assigned; keeping partners informed of all important developments in the work, analyzing the major problems that occur and/or potential problems and recommending solutions; communicating assurance and accounting developments to the firm

专业:  Meeting with prospective clients and assisting in proposal preparation; expands expertise in assigned areas;

管理/行政管理:  Managing an engagement in relation to budget and scheduled completion dates; following the progress of engagement and spending as much time as possible with client management group; preparing client billings for review by partners in a timely manner; promoting the most efficient operation of the firm by managing professional personnel; participating in firm administrative functions/projects as assigned; supervising staff, 高级主管和评估他们的表现, 向他们提供关于评估的反馈.

有竞争力的薪酬和福利. EOE.



职位类型:全职, 工作地点:夏洛特, 罗利, 温斯顿塞勒姆, NC或格林斯博罗, NC

资格:  CPA certification required; Bachelor’s and/or advanced degree in accounting; 5-7 years of public accounting experience, 与建设 & 具有2-3年房地产十大网赌平台推荐管理/监管经验.; proficiency in use of computers, accounting software and assurance software programs; excellent communications and 人际关系技巧; excellent time management and organizational skills.

客户服务:全年与客户保持稳定的联系, which involves a thorough knowledge of the client and all facets of their business; Knowing the client’s impression of the conduct of engagement; dealing directly with the client’s attorneys or brokers; following report through processing, answering any questions that arise and supervising distribution according to the client’s instructions; recognizing opportunities to provide additional services to clients.

技术性:在合伙人审查之前对项目进行审查, answering any questions the client may have and ensuring there is a complete understanding of the nature and terms of the engagement; consistently  demonstrating the ability to identify and properly account for technical issues/areas in each engagement assigned; keeping partners informed of all important developments in the work, analyzing the major problems that occur and/or potential problems and recommending solutions; communicating assurance and accounting developments to the firm

专业:  Meeting with prospective clients and assisting in proposal preparation; expands expertise in assigned areas;

管理/行政管理:  Managing an engagement in relation to budget and scheduled completion dates; following the progress of engagement and spending as much time as possible with client management group; preparing client billings for review by partners in a timely manner; promoting the most efficient operation of the firm by managing professional personnel; participating in firm administrative functions/projects as assigned; supervising staff, 高级主管和评估他们的表现, 向他们提供关于评估的反馈.

有竞争力的薪酬和福利. EOE.



职位类型:全职, 工作地点:夏洛特, 罗利, 温斯顿塞勒姆, NC或格林斯博罗, NC

资格:  CPA certification required; Bachelor’s and/or advanced degree in accounting; 5-7 years of public accounting experience, 有审核员工福利计划的经验, 2-3年管理/监督经验.; proficiency in use of computers, accounting software and assurance software programs; excellent communications and 人际关系技巧; excellent time management and organizational skills.

客户服务·全年与客户保持稳定的联系, which involves a thorough knowledge of the client and all facets of their business; Knowing the client’s impression of the conduct of engagement; dealing directly with the client’s attorneys or brokers; following report through processing, answering any questions that arise and supervising distribution according to the client’s instructions; recognizing opportunities to provide additional services to clients.

技术在合伙人审查之前对业务进行审查, answering any questions the client may have and ensuring there is a complete understanding of the nature and terms of the engagement; consistently  demonstrating the ability to identify and properly account for technical issues/areas in each engagement assigned; keeping partners informed of all important developments in the work, analyzing the major problems that occur and/or potential problems and recommending solutions; communicating assurance and accounting developments to the firm

专业:  Meeting with prospective clients and assisting in proposal preparation; expands expertise in assigned areas.

管理/行政管理:  Managing an engagement in relation to budget and scheduled completion dates; following the progress of engagement and spending as much time as possible with client management group; preparing client billings for review by partners in a timely manner; promoting the most efficient operation of the firm by managing professional personnel; participating in firm administrative functions/projects as assigned; supervising staff, 高级主管和评估他们的表现, 向他们提供关于评估的反馈.

有竞争力的薪酬和福利. EOE.



职位类型:受薪, 工作地点:北卡罗来纳州罗利, 夏洛特数控, 格林斯博罗, NC,  混合动力/远程

资格:  Bachelor’s and/or advanced degree in accounting; minimum of 2 years of recent public accounting experience, with a focus in auditing; previous experience in-charging audit engagements; financial reporting and analysis experience a plus; CPA certified or progressing in the completion of CPA certification; proficiency with computers and accounting-related software; excellent client service and 人际关系技巧; organized and professional in their communication, both written and oral; valid driver’s license and good MVR.

客户服务提供及时和卓越的客户服务, including coordination of audit engagement from start to finish; effectively communicate with clients to receive necessary information to complete the engagement with minimal disruption to the client; willingness to travel to client locations, 在需要的时候.

专业技术展示对技术技能的信心, work quality and application of professional and firm standards and audit methodologies; possessing technical knowledge sufficient to train staff accountants and facilitating field work by monitoring staff’s work, ensuring productivity and staying on schedule; reviewing staff workpapers, 确保他们是适当的,并坚持专业标准.

专业有效地与员工沟通, supervisors and management; meeting time constraints and client deadlines; demonstrating skills necessary to develop quality client relationships.

行政Participating in planning and scheduling of client assignments/engagements; evaluating performance and providing feedback to staff; attending client meetings, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台会议和其他需要的活动.

有竞争力的薪酬和福利待遇.  EOE








职位:全职, 工作地点:夏洛特, NC,  罗利, 数控格林斯博罗, NC,   温斯顿塞勒姆, NC

资格:  CPA certification required; Bachelor’s and/or advanced degree in accounting; 5-8 years of experience in CPA firm setting; Experience with real estate and construction; min. 2 - 3岁. 监督/管理. experience; proven leadership skills; proficiency with computer and accounting-related software programs; excellent management and organizational skills; excellent communication & 人际关系技巧.


客户服务:  Acting as a primary contact for various clients; maintaining contact throughout the year, which involves a thorough knowledge of the client and all facets of their business; meeting with prospective clients and assisting with preparation of proposals; recognizing opportunities to provide additional opportunities to clients.

技术:  Acting as a tax resource for staff to assist them with complex tax issues that arise; reviewing returns prepared by staff, including those dealing with specialized issues; performing complex tax research and recommending solutions to presented problems; preparing tax projections and performing tax planning for more complex clients; expanding expertise in assigned areas; communicating tax developments to the firm and assisting with the implementation of tax code changes.

专业:直接与客户的律师或经纪人打交道, 在需要的时候; resolving problems with the partner’s approval and reviewing the workpapers, financial statements and reports; developing cross-departmental working relationships to ensure proper completion of all client engagements.

管理/行政管理:  Promoting the efficient operation of the firm by planning engagements and managing professional personnel; supervising staff, seniors and supervisors and evaluating their performance and providing them with feedback; keeping partners informed of all important work developments, analyzing major problems or potential problems and recommending solutions; participating in firm administrative functions/projects as assigned by partners/principals and completing these tasks in a timely manner; acting as a mentoring resource to help staff grow and progress in their careers.

有竞争力的薪酬和福利待遇.  EOE.



职位类型:全职, 工作地点:夏洛特, NC,   罗利, NC, 格林斯博罗, NC,   温斯顿塞勒姆, NC

资格:  CPA certification required; Bachelor’s and/or advanced degree in accounting; 5-8 years of experience in CPA firm setting; Experience with high net worth 个人s; min. 2 - 3岁. 监督/管理. experience; proven leadership skills; proficiency with computer and accounting-related software programs; excellent management and organizational skills; excellent communication & 人际关系技巧.


客户服务:  Acting as a primary contact for various clients; maintaining contact throughout the year, which involves a thorough knowledge of the client and all facets of their business; meeting with prospective clients and assisting with preparation of proposals; recognizing opportunities to provide additional opportunities to clients.

技术:  Acting as a tax resource for staff to assist them with complex tax issues that arise; reviewing returns prepared by staff, including those dealing with specialized issues; performing complex tax research and recommending solutions to presented problems; preparing tax projections and performing tax planning for more complex clients; expanding expertise in assigned areas; communicating tax developments to the firm and assisting with the implementation of tax code changes.

专业:直接与客户的律师或经纪人打交道, 在需要的时候; resolving problems with the partner’s approval and reviewing the workpapers, financial statements and reports; developing cross-departmental working relationships to ensure proper completion of all client engagements.

管理/行政管理:  Promoting the efficient operation of the firm by planning engagements and managing professional personnel; supervising staff, seniors and supervisors and evaluating their performance and providing them with feedback; keeping partners informed of all important work developments, analyzing major problems or potential problems and recommending solutions; participating in firm administrative functions/projects as assigned by partners/principals and completing these tasks in a timely manner; acting as a mentoring resource to help staff grow and progress in their careers.

有竞争力的薪酬和福利待遇.  EOE.




职责包括: developing an understanding of pertinent IRC sections and regulations; proficiently preparing all but the most complex corporate, 个人, 伙伴关系, fiduciary or other tax returns; performing tax research on less complex issues; analyzing less-complex IRS notice responses and drafting routine responses in reply; preparing less-complex tax projections for clients; assist with the training of staff accountants; actively pursuing CPA license if not already licensed.

资格 include: Bachelor’s degree or advanced degree in Accounting; prefer 150 hrs. 要幸福. 参加注册会计师考试.; min. 2-4 years of public accounting experience as a staff accountant; proficiency with computers and accounting-related software.  Excellent organization skills with ability to prioritize; good time management skills; excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

有竞争力的薪酬和福利. EOE.



职位类型:全职, 工作地点:夏洛特, 罗利, 温斯顿塞勒姆, NC或格林斯博罗, NC,  混合动力/远程


  • 会计、金融或相关专业本科以上学历. 硕士学位优先.
  • 至少15年的会计工作经验, 包括会计系统操作, 财务报表编制, 并监督会计制度的运行, 财务报表编制, 并监督会计职能.
  • 能够根据需要使用QuickBooks桌面,QuickBooks在线和其他会计软件
  • 注册会计师优先
  • 有业务和实践开发经验


Manage the CAS practice focusing on growth and client service; Responsible for the overall quality, 风险管理, 客户满意度, 专业发展, and growth of the practice; Represent BRC in the market and promote brand, 文化, and reputation; Expand CAS service lines, products or markets to meet client needs in the practice; Maximize the relationships of the firm to bring the full suite of CAS services to clients; Communicate the value proposition of CAS team with business owners, partners and referral sources; Innovate service offerings through technology or data automation; Manage the practice area to optimize resource allocation and team building in the regional service lines; Motivate and incentivize the CAS team to provide best in class client experience; Champion the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives at the firm; Mentor/coach managers and staff t stimulate personal and professional growth; Enhance the human capital strategy for the CAS practice including recruitment, 保留, 员工需求, 目标设定, 评价, 职业满意度/领导力路径, 核心能力培训计划, 以及与BRC文化/战略相结合的BRC学院

有竞争力的薪酬和福利. EOE.






  • 编制周、半月进账报表,为工资单入账做准备
  • 准备每小时进账报告,以导入到半月工资中
  • 在与人力资源总监审核之前,将数据输入工资单
  • 安排与经理的工资核对会议. 人力资源和首席执行官,以提交工资单
  • 运行工资报表和加载到文档



  • 在新员工入职的每个阶段与他们沟通,让他们感到受欢迎, 有价值的, 参与并十大网赌平台推荐BRC
  • Conducting reference checks; launching background checks; sending welcome letter and package, 确保新的雇佣表格, 通过Paylocity HRIS.
  • 与H总监合作.R. 和首席人事官确定直接经理和排班组长(如适用).
  • 入职培训包括与IT部门沟通新员工., 在Maconomy中设置员工, Paylocity HRIS和Saba绩效管理平台, 租用日期前
  • 亲自指导新员工入职培训的人力资源部分
  • 对新员工进行绩效管理软件培训
  • 预定名片,名牌和胸牌,在开始日期之前
  • 每年一月, 输入非会计人员的休假时间和所有员工的病假时间, 在Maconomy
  • 扫描所有与人力资源相关的文件以存储在Document(最终是Paylocity)中.e. 人事,工资单,i -9表格,医疗档案,以确保遵守联邦和州法律
  • 为H总监准备离职信息.R. 召开离职会议
  • 在适当的时候,从Paylocity人力资源管理系统和其他福利网站调离离职员工
  • 在BRCentral上维护员工相关列表
  • 为格林斯博罗员工管理大楼的fob和套房钥匙分配



  • 维护福利管理的记录和系统
  • 通过及时了解当前的变化和问题,确保符合利益要求, 包括从福利经纪人或其他来源获得的与福利相关的法律更新
  • 协助员工处理任何
  • Managing leaves of absence (LOA) from beginning to return-to-work; maintaining close contact with those on leave, 确保完成所有需要的文书工作, 在LOA之前
  • 填写和归档短期残疾索赔表
  • 计算欠BRC的税前和税后福利,在员工休假回来后安排工资扣除,并与员工沟通,使他们理解
  • 运行报告,确定每年年底的病假结转,并计算入职Maconomy的休假时间
  • 一旦收到更新信息,在Paylocity 工资/HRIS中设置年度公开登记和新员工登记, 向员工发布
  • 检查每月保险报表的准确性,并解决与供应商或员工发现的任何问题,并将这些保险发票提交给会计部门付款.



  • 根据需要参加与人力资源有关的培训和会议



  • 协助进行年度和年中绩效评估, 包括安排年度虚拟团队会议
  • 协助H主任.R. 以及首席人事官,负责组织年度和临时社会活动
  • 订购服务周年纪念礼品5年递增服务年限
  • 完成季度、月度工地报告, 每月劳工统计局报告和年度EEO-1在线表格
  • 为FSA准备年度员工补偿审计和非歧视测试 & 保险计划
  • 每年6月协调独立确认书的分发和协调, 电子
  • 协助9月的年度联合劝募活动,9月/ 10月的BRC流感疫苗诊所
  • 每月打印信用卡对账单,核对两张人力资源监控卡的对账收据
  • 每月在BRC中心发布生日/服务纪念日列表



  • 有Paylocity薪资和人力资源管理系统的工作经验
  • 本科学历,商务或人力资源或相关工作经验
  • 有PHR或SPHR认证者优先
  • 5-8年人力资源工作经验
  • Excellent computer skills; very proficient with Excel
  • 非常有条理和注重细节
  • 优秀的沟通和人际交往能力
  • 做事积极主动,能分清轻重缓急,有出色的时间管理技巧
  • 能够研究并提出想法/建议以提高人力资源职能的效率


  • 在实体办公室工作
  • 每天键盘6-8小时
  • 每天坐6-8小时
  • 偶尔轻吊

I.T. 系统技术人员



  • 硬件支持,包括物理安装协助, 配置, 以及计算机测试, 网络设备, 打印机, 扫描仪, 还有其他资源.
  • 为Citrix、Microsoft和会计十大网赌平台推荐软件提供二级用户支持.
  • 解决软件和硬件问题的根本原因.
  • 为会议室会议提供现field和远程音视频工具支持, 训练室, 以及远程活动地点.
  • 协助远程用户使用笔记本电脑、家庭办公设备和网络十大网赌平台推荐.
  • 协助一些IT管理任务,如供应商管理, 产品评估, 收购和续订, 及其他资讯科技管理职能.
  • 协助微软更新和系统配置更改.
  • 在非工作时间,包括周末和节假日,参与团队随叫随到的轮转计划.


  • B.S. 信息技术或相关专业本科或同等学历.
  • 有2-3年的工作经验.T. field.
  • 能够作为团队的一部分,在项目和解决问题上进行协作.
  • I.T. 有会计事务所工作经验优先,但不是必需的.
  • 较强的组织能力,能分清轻重缓急,并能在压力下工作.
  • 良好的人际交往和沟通能力.
  • 良好的客户服务技能.
  • 能够排除和解决计算机和软件问题.
  • 能够在快节奏的环境中处理多个优先事项.


  • 在办公环境中现field工作(这不是远程或混合职位)
  • 与他人进行面对面或远程视频通话.
  • 有有效的中国驾照,良好的机动车记录,能出差.
  • 每天5-7小时熟练的键盘操作.
  • 能举起25磅的重物.
  • 能够偶尔使用梯子.
  • 长时间静坐,每天静坐5-7小时.
